Saturday, January 31, 2009

Where does all the time go?

I have a condition that I assume is normal for most people in the world (well the USA anyway). I live for long periods of time in a depressed unfulfilled sense of being then a big swing comes along and I am just happy with life and my lot. I've been wondering about these modes and the catalysts bringing them on, and oddly FaceBook may have given me a little glimpse into the conundrum.
I always hear "our lives are so busy and hectic". We can't find the time to be in community and foster friendships, and once you have kids you have even less social time that is other than focus on the raising of the kids. The household responsibilities, work responsibilities, parental responsibilities, spousal responsibilities, it's all work and as work goes on and on there is a feeling of drudgery, a sense of being Sisyphus. You awaken in the morning with your head swimming with all you have to accomplish and struggle all day and go to bed with your head swimming of all you didn't accomplish and must now be moved to tomorrow. As this goes on day after day after day and you think of things you would like to do instead of have to do, and as you realize you haven't had a friendship conversation or communion with a kindred soul in so long you notice the heavy dark cloud descend. When you get a good evening out with friends talking of things you enjoy, relaxed - no schedule, the cloud lifts. The kids become a joy in their childhood, something to admire and cherish, not something that must be raised.
I noticed this because on FaceBook I have a whole host of virtual friends and just spending some time online with them passing little anecdotes and pictures, remembrances of the past and promises to meet there seems to be a lifting of the cloud. Talking easy without responsibility, little care for the chaos around us, it just shows how social and communal we are deep down, how much we really need relationships.
So why don't we have them? FaceBook is fun, but not a substitute for real contact. We live in the modern world where we are surrounded by all manner of "time saving" devices. Why can we not get together? Why are we always just tired and overworked and too laden down with responsibilities to take care of what is existentially important? I think it is wrinkle in our modern world a real screw-up in our priorities a total loss of identity and true value. I think greed has doomed us all. Or maybe just me, like I said at the beginning I assume this is a universal problem, but it could just be me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you have a lot if insight, I really agree with a lot of your thinking. Thanks for sharing.That is why I am on facebook a lot and you are right it isn't enough but better than nothing