Thursday, January 22, 2009

They all seem so afraid

Sitting in the break room today I was stuck listening to FOX news (I'm not sure which show). The host was ranting about President Obama and how we are all doomed because of his election. How he is not even sure there is a president because there were some hiccups with the oath. How every and all government programs are giant wastes of money and while they give you nice tingly feelings they always make things worse. He even mocked the president for including non-believers in his speech as being members of our society (for even though they have always been with us we have never directly acknowledged this for fear of bringing down the wrath God). The thing that really boggled me though was the outrage at the closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison within the year being signed by the president. Out right fear that these 250 people that are incarcerated there will bring fire down upon us. That we could not house them in the states, or release them, or even try them. These prisoners do not like America and they want our down fall, so we feel that makes it OK to treat them as less than human. They might very well treat us as dogs or worse if we were their prisoners, but isn't that what makes the American ideal so much better? We believe ALL men are created equal even if men don't. Why are we so willing to throw away that which we believe in under the guise of protecting ourselves?
I don't pretend to understand all that is going on with this issue. Indeed I don't know a lot about it, but I do believe the words 'Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither' - (Benjamin Franklin). And these FOX (news) casters seem very afraid that they are about to lose all their freedoms to socialism, and be killed by terrorist roaming our streets, and their answer seems to be anarchy or let businesses run everything. (Businesses have done such a wonderful job caring for anything but the bottom line). I don't know. I don't trust government to save me, but I don't trust people to just be left to themselves and not hurt others in pursuit of their own selfish desires.

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